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Writer's pictureGareth Michael

More important than muscles and strength

A short introduction to what I do. Holistic health and mind-body interaction.

Many people out there are interested in developing big muscles which can deliver immence power and strength. This is all very well and may score you points on physique and appearance on a visual level. Yet below that your viseral organs are plagued with stress and being run into the ground. You are less healthy on the inside and are left with bad irritable bowel, chronic fatigue and an inflamed gut (which is perhaps showing from a big belly)

On a mission to get healthy i can relate to this.

Most people have a lower cross sydrome which means tight hip flexors and weak abdominals, tight lumbar erectors and weak hamstrings. This is one example, yet this is common, your hips are then hiked upwards where the butt sticks up and the lower back is becoming inflamed and painful. The muscles of the front are succeptabe to weakness as they are linked to the organs and digestive system.

The pelvic floor then gets shut down and weak which is often tied to the foods we are eating. They support the abdominal wall which means if you have a poor insuffient diet these soft muscles mean soft bellies which also mean internal weakness.

The nutrients your body take in are very personal to you, your internal organs are just as different to your external appearance and everybody's organs respond differently to different foods (hence why diet fad plans do no work for everyone).

The muslces of the back however, are stronger as they run up the spine, this creates a hyper lordsis which is why people have a bad squatting technique and posture imbalances.

Resting is not the only key. These imbalances need to be adressed by corrective exercise. The 'Tonic' tight muscles need to be stretched and the 'phasic' weak muscles need to be strengthened.

You also need to balance the ying and the yang. The yang is the fire inside you, the stress you have from work and personal life. The inability to take the time to 'dew you' The key is to find ways to balance the yang with the ying. The ying is more water, calming natures, breathing. (i will explain more of ying and yang at another date)

Understanding that there is more to lifting heavy and being strong, but going about it the right way is even more important. Focusing on those weaker muscles and imbalances, the weaknesses in the core, hip flexors and posterior chain.

Corrective stretching is a start, you cannot be the strongest version of yourself without being strong inside. Your muscular system is an outgrowth of your visceral system which is an outgrowth of your psychology and who you are. Corrective stretching allows structural intergity which leads to movement. This means focusing on stretching, yoga and nutrition is key. Quieting the nervous system, coordinated with your breathing which will inhibit a strengthening response.


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