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Writer's pictureGareth Michael

A look into Dr Diet...

Were going to pay a visit to Dr. Diet…

Nutrition is more confusing now than it ever used to be. And its getting worse….

Which diet will it be today? Atkins, Zone, Mediterranean, South Beach, or my favorite, “I just won’t eat”. :)

I am not going to write up a meal plan for anyone right now but there are a few things I believe one must consider when choosing what food to put in their mouth. Remember, “You are what you eat”.

Dr Diet says:

1. Eat Local Organic Produce and make sure to choose a variety of colors!

And by the way, The lettuce and tomato on your BigMac do not count! haha

2. Protein sources are important too! Again, choose Organic, 100% Grass Fed, Free-Range, Hormone-Free

Find a local farms and ranches that send to you or have pick up locations in your area.

3. Drink at least half your body weight(lbs) in oz of water! ex. If you weigh 180 lbs go for 90 oz daily.

Unchlorinated please! No more tap water! Consider this if your a pet owner, too. My cat gets bottled water :)

4. Love Dairy? Go Raw, Organic and Grass Fed sources!

If Raw is not available in your area. Make sure to buy Organic.

5. Stay away from Soy! period.

Guys and Gals do not be fooled! The benefits of Soy do not outweigh the risks. If your interested in learning more I will write a post just on the topic of Soy. For now, stay away!

6. Listen to your body. Your body will tell you whether it agrees with the food your eating.

Paul Chek considers yours Primal Pattern Diet Type or William Wolcott would call it your Metabolic Type. To learn more I’ll provide links to both of these below.

7. Follow the 90/10 Rule

Change your eating habits and watch how you start craving good food. Once you go organic you don’t go back

“Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.” ~Hippocrates

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