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Drink a lot over the holidays? Try adding these foods to your diet help cleanse the liver.

Garlic, grapefruit, green tea, and green vegetables

Garlic contains numerous sulfur-containing compounds that activate the liver enzymes responsible for flushing out toxins from the body. It also contains allicin and selenium, two powerful nutrients proven to help protect the liver from toxic damage, and aid it in the detoxification process. Grapefruit is rich in natural vitamin C and antioxidants, two powerful liver cleansers. Like garlic, grapefruit contains compounds that boost the production of liver detoxification enzymes. It also contains a flavonoid compound known as naringenin that causes the liver to burn fat rather than store it. You can try adding slices of grapefruit to your water bottles (including the rind as it contains 20% more vitamins and minerals) and while your at it add a half a teaspoon of sea salt to help nourish the adrenal glands, those reponsible for producing the stress hormone cortisol. I recently went on a tea tour of Celestial Seasonings tea house in Boulder Colorado. Green tea is loaded with catechins, a type of plant antioxidant that has been shown in studies to eliminate liver fat accumulation and promote proper liver function. This powerful herb also protects the liver against toxins that would otherwise accumulate and cause serious damage. Leafy green vegetables such as arugula, dandelion greens, kale and spinach also contain numerous cleansing compounds that neutralize heavy metals, which can bear heavily on the liver. Leafy greens also eliminate pesticides and herbicides from the body, and spur the creation and flow of cleansing bile. Chlorella is another powerful supplement that can be added as a powder to shakes or as a tablet form that can reduce the impact of these metals on the liver.

Avocados, walnuts, and turmeric

Avocados actively promote liver health by protecting it against toxic overload, and boosting its cleansing power. Not to mention a great source of fat (I recently did a post on my Instagram on avocado benefits alone) and great when added to oats in the morning, shakes or salads. Walnuts, which contain high levels of l-arginine, an amino acid, glutathione, and omega-3 fatty acids, also help detoxify the liver. Walnuts also help oxygenate the blood. Turmeric, one of the most powerful foods for maintaining a healthy liver, has been shown to actively protect the liver against toxic damage, and even regenerate damaged liver cells. Turmeric also boosts the natural production of bile, shrinks engorged hepatic ducts, and improves overall function of the gallbladder, another body-purifying organ. Tumeric can be sprinked on food or also added to shakes. (Be sure to read my other post on smoothie and shake ideas)

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