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Writer's pictureGareth Michael

Fight the cold this winter.

It’s that time of year, when the temperature drops, the light is fading and we seem to be more susceptible to catching colds, coughs and sore throats. So this coming winter why not arm yourself with some cold and cough defences? The fact is you don’t have to spend a lot to make sure you have some seriously effective and very natural remedies, right where you need them – in your kitchen, ready for when those bugs start to try to take over your throat, your nose, let’s face it… your life. Having a cold gets in the way of breathing, kissing, exercising, feeling good in yourself…This article will also give you some good ways of getting back on your feet if you do happen to get tripped up with a cold.

One thing you need to know, Timing is Everything The key to success in your fight against colds, sore throats and coughs is to catch them early. Take immediate action the moment you notice the symptoms. Get lots of rest (see my blog on circadian rhythms) and water. If we intervene when there are less bacteria / viruses in our systems then we have a chance of gaining the upper hand. That’s why it’s important to have all the remedies in your home before you get ill. This includes Garlic, ginger, lemon, cayenne pepper, honey and herbal teas are all good during a cold. Echinacea tincture is another idea but can be little more pricey and is only effective (in my opinion) as a preventative and initial stage remedy.

Garlic is first up on list of flu combating ingredients. It’s powerful anti-microbial works to prevent colds and coughs from taking hold.

Tea, hot fluids help to combat viruses & also hydrate & soothe your throat and respiratory tract. You can create your own 'tea' by boiling a garlic clove or two with ginger, lemon and other herbs, honey, lemon, cayenne pepper to create a warming tea with a medicinal effect. Which brings me onto, Cayenne pepper. Nothing revs up the old digestive engine like cayenne. Cayenne pepper has the power to make any dish fiery hot, but it also has a subtle flavour- enhancing quality. There is some evidence that eating hot pepper increases metabolism and the appetite. I would suggest adding a few shakes of cayenne pepper to potato salad, devilled eggs, chilli, and other hot dishes such as stews and soups.

What to do with loss of appetite? Getting over a cold or flu is one reason you can have loss of appetite, but loss of appetite can of course occur as a result of other factors such as; Emotional distress Depression Hormonal imbalance Breakdown of relationships Debilitating illnesses or Eating disorders.

Nevertheless, if you are unlucky enough to get sick it is often hard to get back on your feet and unsure of what to eat to help get your appetite back. Some foods can maintain the feeling of fullness for longer than others. These foods often have certain characteristics that offset hunger. Many contain a lot of protein, such as eggs, fish, nuts, or low-fat dairy. But one thing for certain is, many unhealthy foods are not satiating. It may go without saying but highly processed foods or those high in sugar often have lower satiety scores. They may be an easy craving at first, but avoiding these foods in favour of those with high satiety scores will have health benefits and offset hunger better.

I always say that smoothies made with soy milk, fruit, and nut butters can be a great high-protein and nutritious meal to begin with since they're low in fibre and lactose, making them easy to digest. When you are ready to eat more solid foods (and sometimes this just means experimenting and seeing how you feel).

Potatoes are highly dense foods and a good source in starch, vitamin C, and several other healthful nutrients.

Pulses are highly nutritious and include foods such as beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils. They are also slowly digestible carbohydrates with high protein and fibre contents. Fibre is an essential dietary component. It serves many functions, such as helping to control blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Barley, oats, rye whole-wheat bread, legumes, vegetables such as carrots or beetroot, fruits such as bananas and oranges

Fats are important, making sure you fortify with healthy fats. Spread nut butters onto fruit, add full-fat yogurt to fruit, porridge or muesli, drizzle olive oil over salads and veg, add avocados nuts and seeds to salads and sandwiches, cook with coconut oil Nuts are high in protein and unsaturated fats, which are healthful fats. These unsaturated fats have a range of benefits and are different from the saturated fats found in many unhealthy foods. Nuts may be a high-calorie food, but they are nutritionally rich and effective at increasing satiety. Bitter greens consist of arugula, collards, kale, endives, sorrel, dandelions, watercress, and red/green other words, all those leaves you find in typical salads. Stimulating digestion is the name of the game with bitter greens.They prompt the body into making more digestive juices and digestive enzymes. Bitter foods also stimulate the gallbladder to contract and release bile, which helps break fatty foods into small enough particles that enzymes can easily finish breaking them apart for absorption. This is important because fats carry essential fatty acids, such as heart-healthy omega-3s, along with fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K and carotenoids such as beta-carotene.

I mentioned earlier about Tea and hot fluids help to combat viruses & also hydrate & soothe your throat and respiratory tract. There are a number of things you can add to hot water to help aid in getting appetite back also. Pure Maple Syrup I often mix this with hot water and lemon.
Coriander- Mixing half a cup of coriander leaves in water Coriander is a commonly used herb in most Indian cuisines as it is known to cure indigestion. Coriander juice helps in the release of gastric enzymes, which in turn improve appetite.
Fennel Tea. You can buy this from shops or mix yourself with hot water and honey. Fennel seeds act as appetite boosters in adults and also in children. They stimulate the production of bile by the liver, thus promoting digestion. As a result, the appetite increases.
Ginger & Coriander Ginger is perhaps the most widely used appetite stimulant. Ginger juice works wonders for a poor appetite. Besides, it also gives the added benefit of strengthening the immune and digestive systems. In combination with coriander, which is also an appetite booster, this home remedy makes a strong appetite stimulating drink.
Pomegranate Juice This ruby-red fruit, loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, makes a great rejuvenating drink. It also enhances the appetite naturally. You can add honey for sweetener.

Supplements can also be taken, Vitamins such as B vitamins are commonly used to increase appetite in adults, and even in toddlers and infants. They help to release the energy from food and promote normal appetite. A deficiency of any of the vitamins that are in the vitamin B-complex group can cause poor appetite and unhealthy digestion The recommended intake of these vitamins depends not only on the age but also on other medical conditions of the person

Last but not least, exercise and Yoga. And by exercise I do not mean over doing it but sticking to Zone exercises to work on reducing stress. Gaining a better control over your daily routine can also help a lot in improving your appetite. Sleep and wake up on time, exercise regularly, drink lots of water, avoid too much snacking between meals, follow proper meal times, and think positive.

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